Thursday, January 9, 2020
Roles and Functions of a Manager- Annotated Bibliography
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is a director’s role? Brenton Kenton Executive development Year: 1995 Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Page: 16-18 ISSN: 0953-3230 DOI: 10.1108/09533239510086358 This article evaluates the roles of a director and the importance of a strong sense of purpose for any organisation. The three main roles outlined in the article are policy, strategy and operations. External and internal monitoring by the directors is found to be essential in these roles. Originality, imagination and ambition form the hallmark of having a strong sense of purpose (policy). This sense of direction along with decisional, informational and interpersonal roles of†¦show more content†¦------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How managers help with development Alan Mumford Industrial and Commercial Training Year: 1995 Volume: 27 Issue: 8 Page: 8-11 ISSN:0019-7858 DOI: 10.1108/0019785910097054 This article analyses three series of opinions which affects managers developing them into effective managers in the process. It examines how experience, self development and action learning help a manager to develop effectively as he moves from the individual, to the group and then to the organisation as a whole. This article also outlines the definition of managerial work and the six helpers in management development namely 1. Boss 2. Grand boss 3. Mentor 4. Colleagues 5. Subordinates 6. Project/client sponsor. It also examines opportunities, helping process and helping relationships as the requirements for effective help. It emphasises on the importance of encouraging and providing support and techniques and ideas for managers to help with the development at the workplace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The â€Å"real-world†challenges of managers: implications for management education Cà ©leste M. Brotheridge, Stephen Long Journal of Management Development Year: 2007 Volume: 26 Issue: 9 Page: 832 – 842 ISSN: 0262-1711 DOI:Show MoreRelatedAllentown (Epd) Case Analysis7182 Words  | 29 Pagesorganization structure is needed for EPD, which would improve team work and support the quick decision making capacity required to keep pace with the ever-changing market. 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