Saturday, November 30, 2019
My grandmother Essay Example
My grandmother Essay My grandmother and grandfather have kept a small group of extremely close friends, which she has found to be very rewarding as a social support group. The hardest part of getting older that my grandmother has found is seeing many of their close friends leave for the great social circle in the sky as she put it, but she found that working hard at keeping those who were important to her close to her was incredibly rewarding. The close friendships she maintained were the best support she ever found throughout her life. Friends that she kept close had many of the same values she did, or values she admired and aspired to obtain. Social support has also come from her family, a value that she obtained at an early age living with so many close relatives. Her entire family, two children, son and daughter-in laws and grandchildren all keep very close ties and provide frequent visits, phone calls, and e-mails to make sure that she is doing well. Although she a world-renowned writer and one would think her pride would lie mostly with her career, it is a true showcase of my grandmothers character that out of everything in life she is proudest of her children. She is especially proud of her son (my father) Joseph who is an incredible parent to his two children. Being a parent has been an unparalleled and most rewarding experience, and she takes great pride in her children and grandchildren as well. Secondly, she is most proud of her wonderful 56-year relationship with my grandfather and the strength of their marriage. Taking a back seat to family and friendship, my grandmother is also very proud of the National Book Award that she won in 2000 for her book Homeless Bird. The award was an exciting validation of a continuing career in childrens literature. We will write a custom essay sample on My grandmother specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on My grandmother specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on My grandmother specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The most prominent aspect of my grandmothers life has been her faith. Beginning when she was young, she was impressed and influenced by her fathers faith and hope throughout the Great Depression. All of her decision-making has been guided by the hand of God, and she feels that her faith really formed her. She believes that choices we make and the path we chose are all part of Gods plan for us, mistakes and lessons are learned and we are so often blessed with that which we might not deserve to help us see his guiding hand. Her great faith has helped her realize the incredible benefits of aging; the on-going quest and acquiring of knowledge is a truly spiritual and nearly inconceivable process. As one grows older they gain massive quantities of life experience to draw on and become more cognizant of their faults, often utilizing the looking glass self which allows others to reveal their failings to them. Aging, my grandmother has found, ultimately leads to a greater sense of identity and self. My grandmother is truly the picture of generativity. Her concern for the next generation is very apparent in her writing as she tries to preserve historical evidence and present it to children through her fictional writing. She is obviously aware of the many ways in which she has been blessed and very sensitive to the wants and needs of her husband who now genuinely needs her support. She has reached old age and faces death with a sense of integrity; her faith has lead her through a satisfying and meaningful life. Although she realizes that she is reaching the end, she is celebrating the many gifts life has presented her with and is satisfied with what she has been able to offer to others. The respect that I have for my grandmother is continually increasing, I do not know if I will ever be able to put into words how much of an idol she has served as for me in how I have shaped and the courses I have chosen in life. She has taught me the importance of a strong sense of self, how to value close friendships. She has shown me the wonderful support system and overall warmth family brings to ones life. Her amazing faith, which guided her through hardships and times of joy, showed me the importance of self-transcendence and the relationship I would someday like to build with God. Her steadfast and strong relationship with my grandfather has re-emphasized the importance of finding a true life partner and developing a relationship where conflict can be overcome. In her telling me about the social development and self-discovery she achieved in college I realize the importance of maximizing my college career and truly finding what I am passionate about as early in my life as I can. My father is a wonderful parent and I see how having children and watching them raise their own children can become the most rewarding experience in a persons life. I have inherited my passion for writing from my grandmother and I hope that someday I will be as skilled at using words to paint a picture is she is. The chapters of my grandmothers life have enlightened me greatly, as a quote from Anton Chekhov suggests her writing inspires me to do the same, Dont tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Events Leading to the Scramble for Africa
Events Leading to the Scramble for Africa The Scramble for Africa (1880ââ¬â1900) was a period of rapid colonization of the African continent by European powers. But it wouldnt have happened except for the particular economic, social, and military evolution Europe was going through. Europeans in Africa up to the 1880s By the beginning of the 1880s, only a small part of Africa was under European rule, and that area was largely restricted to the coast and a short distance inland along major rivers such as the Niger and the Congo. Britain had Freetown in Sierra Leone, forts along the coast of The Gambia, a presence at Lagos, the Gold Coast protectorate, and a fairly major set of colonies in Southern Africa (Cape Colony, Natal, and the Transvaal which it had annexed in 1877).Southern Africa also had the independent Boer Oranje-Vrystaat (Orange Free State).France had settlements at Dakar and St Louis in Senegal and had penetrated a fair distance up the river Senegal, the Assinie, and Grand Bassam regions of Cote dIvoire, a protectorate over the coastal region of Dahomey (now Benin), and had begun colonization of Algeria as early as 1830.Portugal had long-established bases in Angola (first arriving in 1482, and subsequently retaking the port of Luanda from the Dutch in 1648) and Mozambique (first arriving in 1498 and creating trading posts by 1505).Spain had small enclaves in northwest Africa at Ceuta and Melilla (frica Septentrional Espaà ±ola or Spanish North Africa).The Ottoman Turks controlled Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia (the strength of Ottoman rule varied greatly). Causes of the Scramble for Africa There were several factors that created the impetus for the Scramble for Africa, and most of these were to do with events in Europe rather than in Africa. End of the Slave Trade:à Britain had had some success in halting the slave trade around the shores of Africa, but inland the story was different. Muslim traders from north of the Sahara and on the East Coast still traded inland, and many local chiefs were reluctant to give up the use of slaves. Reports of slaving trips and markets were brought back to Europe by various explorers such as David Livingstone, and abolitionists in Britain and Europe were calling for more to be done.Exploration:à During the 19th century, barely a year went by without a European expedition into Africa. The boom in exploration was triggered to a great extent by the creation of the African Association by wealthy Englishmen in 1788, who wanted someone to find the fabled city of Timbuktu and chart the course of the Niger River. As the 19th century wore on, the goal of the European explorer changed, and rather than traveling out of pure curiosity they began to record details of markets, goods, and resources for the wealthy philanthropists who financed their trips. Henry Morton Stanley:à This naturalized American (born in Wales) was the explorer most closely connected to the start of the Scramble for Africa. Stanley had crossed the continent and located the missing Livingstone, but he is more infamously known for his explorations on behalf of King Leopold II of Belgium. Leopold hired Stanley to obtain treaties with local chieftains along the course of the River Congo with an eye on creating his own colony. Belgium was not in a financial position to fund a colony at that time. Stanleys work triggered a rush of European explorers such as the German journalist Carl Peters to do the same for various European countries.Capitalism:à The end of European trading in slaves left a need for commerce between Europe and Africa. Capitalists may have seen the light over slavery, but they still wanted to exploit the continent. New legitimate trade would be encouraged. Explorers located vast reserves of raw materials, plotted the course of trade routes, nav igated rivers, and identified population centers that could serve as markets for manufactured goods from Europe. It was a time of plantations and cash crops, when the regions workforce was put to work to producing rubber, coffee, sugar, palm oil, timber, etc for Europe. And the benefits were more enticing if a colony could be set up, which gave the European nation a monopoly. Steam Engines and Iron Hulled Boats:à In 1840, theà first British ocean-going iron warship called Nemesisà arrived at Macao, south China. It changed the face of international relations between Europe and the rest of the world. Theà Nemesisà had a shallow draft (five feet), a hull of iron, and two powerful steam engines. It could navigate the non-tidal sections of rivers, allowing inland access, and it was heavily armed. Livingstone used a steamer to travel up the Zambezi River in 1858 and had the parts transported overland to Lake Nyassa. Steamers also allowed Henry Morton Stanley and Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza to explore the Congo.Quinine and Medical Advances:à Africa, especially the western regions, was known as the White Mans Grave because of the danger of two diseases: malaria and yellow fever. During the 18th century, only one in 10 Europeans sent out to the continent by the Royal African Company survived. Six of the 10 died in their first year. In 1817, French scien tists Pierre-Joseph Pelletier and Joseph Bienaimà © Caventou extracted quinine from the bark of the South American cinchona tree. It proved to be the solution to malaria; Europeans could now survive theà ravages of the diseaseà in Africa. Unfortunately,à yellow feverà continued to be a problem, and even today there is no specific treatment for the disease. Politics:à After the creation of a unified Germany (1871) and Italy (a longer process, but its capital relocated to Rome in 1871) there was no room left in Europe for expansion. Britain, France, and Germany were in an intricate political dance, trying to maintain their dominance, and an overseas empire would secure it. France, which had lost two provinces to Germany in 1870, looked to Africa to gain more territory. Britain looked toward Egypt and the control of the Suez Canal as well as pursuing territory in gold-rich southern Africa. Germany, under the expert management ofà Chancellor Bismarck, had come late to the idea of overseas colonies but was now fully convinced of their worth. All that was needed was some mechanism to be put in place to stop overt conflict over the coming land grab.Military Innovation: At the beginning of the 19th century, Europe was only marginally ahead of Africa in terms of available weapons, as traders had long supplied them to local chiefs and many h ad stockpiles of guns and gunpowder. But two innovations gave Europe a massive advantage. In the late 1860s, percussion caps were being incorporated into cartridges. What previously came as a separate bullet, powder, and wadding was now a single entity, easily transported and relatively weatherproof. The second innovation was the breech-loading rifle. Older model muskets, held by most Africans, were front loaders, which were slow to use (maximum of three rounds per minute) and had to be loaded while standing. Breech-loading guns, in comparison, could be fired between two to four times faster and could be loaded even in a prone position. Europeans, with an eye to colonization and conquest, restricted the sale of the new weaponry to Africa maintaining military superiority. The Mad Rush Into Africa in the Early 1880s Within just 20 years, the political face of Africa had changed, with only Liberia (a colony run by ex-African-American slaves) and Ethiopia remaining free of European control. The start of the 1880s saw a rapid increase in European nations claiming territory in Africa: In 1880, the region to the north of the river Congo became a French protectorate following a treaty between the King of the Bateke, Makoko, and the explorer Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza.In 1881, Tunisia became a French protectorate and the Transvaal regained its independence.In 1882, Britain occupied Egypt (France pulled out of joint occupation), and Italy began colonization of Eritrea.In 1884, British and French Somaliland were created.In 1884,à German South West Africa, Cameroon, German East Africa, and Togo were created and Rà o de Oro claimed by Spain. Europeans Set the Rules for Dividing up the Continent Theà Berlin Conference of 1884ââ¬â1885à (and the resultantà General Act of the Conference at Berlin) laid down ground rules for the further partitioning of Africa. Navigation on the Niger and Congo rivers was to be free to all, and to declare a protectorate over a region the European colonizer must show effective occupancy and develop a sphere of influence. The floodgates of European colonization had opened. Sources and Further Reading Bryceson, Deborah Fahy. The Scramble in Africa: Reorienting Rural Livelihoods. World Development 30.5 (2002): 725ââ¬â39.Chamberlain, Muriel Evelyn. The Scramble for Africa, 3rd ed. London: Routledge, 2010.Michalopoulos, Stelios, and Elias Papaioannou. The Long-Run Effects of the Scramble for Africa. American Economic Review 106.7 (2016): 1802ââ¬â48.Pakenham, Thomas. The Scramble For Africa. Little, Brown: 2015.
Friday, November 22, 2019
50 Research Proposal Topics Ideas for Writing a Masters Dissertation
50 Research Proposal Topics Ideas for Writing a Masters Dissertation Best ideas to write a winning research proposal for Ph.D. dissertation. Here are some ideas for the graduate student in need of the research proposal topics for their Ph.D. dissertation or Masters Thesis. They are categorized by several of the most popular departments (English, Political Science, History, etc.) and by difficulty. English/Literature Simple: The Lasting Influence of the Beat Generation: How Their Literature Speaks to Posterity Decadence in American Literature The Macabre of Edgar Allen Poe Moderate: How the English Language Has Evolved Over the Last 20 Years Due to Improvements in Technology Sexuality in Contemporary English/American Literature Masochism and Sadism in British Gothic Literature Difficult: The Long-Lasting Effects of Individualism in British Romantic Literature Environmental Ethics in American and American Indian Literature from the 17th Century to the Present The Pretentiousness of British Literature and its Exclusion of the American Reader History Simple: How History Helps Humanity Avoid Making the Mistakes of Old Womenââ¬â¢s Right and Womenââ¬â¢s Suffrage Moderate: Imperialism through Asian Eyes The Geographical Limitations of the Roman Empire Difficult: The Fall of the Roman Empire Comparison of FDR and Winston Churchill During World War II Political Science Simple: Inner-Workings of the European Union Moderate: Changes in Diplomacy After World War II The History of Diplomacy Since the Middle Ages Difficult: Malaysian Foreign Policy in the Post-Mahathir Era, (2003-Present) The Haitian Crisis of 1991-1994: Constraints and Asymmetry in United States-Latin American Relations Religion/Theology Simple: Christianity in the American South Reformation of Martin Luther during the Renaissance Period Moderate: Spirituality of the Native American Indian Interpreting the Bible in the 21st Century Difficult: The Diverging Views of Christianity in Europe Education Simple: Advantages and Disadvantages to Standardized Testing in the United States 21st Century Approaches to Education Moderate: Job-embedded Learning: How Teachers Learn from One Another During the Workday Difficult: A Review and Analysis of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 Philosophy Simple: Applications and the Relevance of Existentialism in the 21st Century Deficient Causation in Leibniz Moderate: Rational Hope in Kants Moral Religion Heideggers Critique of the Cartesian Problem of Skepticism Difficult: The Prescriptivity of Conscious Belief Aristotle on Modality and Determinism Psychology Simple: The Effect of Positive Thinking on Life Success Identifying Predictors of Aggression in Children Moderate: Anger, Aggression, and Irrational Beliefs in Adolescents Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Victimization Among Adolescent Males Difficult: Rational Emotive Behavior Play Therapy vs. Client Centered Therapy Utilizing a Psycho-Educational Intervention to Reduce the Effects of Exposure to Media Images of Body of Young Adolescent Girls Criminal Justice Simple: Adolescent Deviance Within Families and Neighborhoods Procedural Justice During Police-Citizen Encounters Moderate: Meta-Analysis of Early Life Influences on Behavior in Criminals Difficult: The Effects of Individual Vulnerability and Lifestyle/Routine Activities on Fear of Crime and Perceptions of Risk in the School Setting The Adoption of Crime Prevention Technologies in Public Schools Journalism Simple: A Look at How Objective Journalism and Free Speech Sustains Democracy ââ¬â and How the Absence of Both Promotes Autocracy Moderate: Publicity Matters: How Promotional Journalism and Public-Relations Marketing Can Go Hand in Hand New Journalism: How the Incorporation of Narrative and Fiction Techniques Brought Forth an Innovative Approach to Conveying the News and News-Worthy Topics Difficult: The Transition from Print Media to Online/Digital Media and the Role of Both Moving Forward You may use the topics above as the ideas to get started with your own research proposal. Let us know if you havent found an idea related to your field of study and well try to give you one.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
What factors should be considered by researchers when defining the Essay
What factors should be considered by researchers when defining the data required for their research;using two empirical studies - Essay Example duct the research in the best way to ensure that the investigated research question leads to data findings that contribute to the knowledge in the investigated field. Basing on two empirical studies, this paper therefore, investigates various factors, which must be considered by researchers in their definition of data that is required for their research. The reference point in explaining the facts of this essay bases on two empirical studies conducted in different areas. One study was conducted in Vietnam among injection drug users in two districts, to compare the prevalence of HIV and other associated risks among the drug users in the two different districts (Bergenstrom et al, 2008). Another study was conducted in the USA, involving different HVC treatment programs for HVC positive clients. This study however, studied two categories of these treatment programs, including the HVC drug free programs and the HVC MMTPs programs (Astone-Twerell et al, 2006). The two studies were conducted for different reasons, thus, the difference in their objectives. The study among the injection drug users in Vietnam was conducted with the purpose of establishing the prevalence of drug overdose in the region, including the main reasons behind this phenomenon. The additional voluntary HIV testing was aimed at helping to get more information about the relationship between drug use, age, and HIV prevalence. Therefore, the study samples were studied differently to establish and assess the prevalence rate, as well as the characteristics that are associated with non-fatal drug overdose among the injection drug users in the two districts of North Vietnam (Bergenstrom et al, 2008). On the other hand, the second study aimed at establishing the range of Hepatitis C Virus services, which are provided to HVC positive clients by treatment programs. In both studies, the research was based on drug use and the relationship with a specific disease. While the Vietnam study compares the injection
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The use of gene therapy to treat genetic diseases Essay
The use of gene therapy to treat genetic diseases - Essay Example An individual has sickle cell trait when one of the two copies is carrying the sickle cell beta globin gene. On the other hand, if both the copies carry sickle cell beta globin gene then the individual has sickle cell anemia and suffers from the debilitating disease. In accordance with predictable patterns of inheritance there are four possibilities: i. An individual with normal beta globin hemoglobin genes has children with an individual possessing two copies of sickle cell gene have a 100% probability that all their children will have sickle cell trait i.e. one normal gene and one sickle cell gene. ii. When two individuals with sickle cell trait have children then each of their offspringââ¬â¢s has a 50% chance of having sickle cell trait, 25% chance of inheriting normal homozygous genes i.e. two normal copies of beta globin hemoglobin gene and 25% chance of inheriting two copies of sickle cell gene. iii. If an individual possessing normal beta globin hemoglobin genes has children with an individual having sickle cell trait then each child has a 50% chance of inheriting two copies of normal beta globin hemoglobin genes and an equal chance of having sickle cell trait. iv. In case an individual having sickle cell trait decides to have children with an individual having sickle cell anemia then each child has a 50% chance of having sickle cell trait and a 50% chance of having sickle cell anemia. (JONES 2008). Hemophilia is a recessive, X linked disease; therefore, genetic segregation and dominance play an important role in the inheritance of hemophilia. The recessive mutated forms of clotting factor VIII and IX are present on the X chromosome. Therefore, the disease is more common in males because they have a single X chromosome and if it has the mutated gene then the person will have hemophilia as unlike females they do not have another X chromosome for compensation. In females, the dominant X
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Effective Treatment for Drug Addiction Essay Example for Free
Effective Treatment for Drug Addiction Essay ââ¬Å"Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans undergo treatment for substance use disorder, also called addictionâ⬠(Hart Ksir, 2013, p. 409). Drug addiction is a complex brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. It is a condition characterized by an overwhelming and uncontrollable desire or craving to continue taking a drug to which one has become habituated through repeated consumption. It also produces a particular effect, usually an alteration of mental status. Drug addiction is usually accompanied by a compulsion to obtain the drug, a tendency to increase the dose, a psychological or physical dependence, and detrimental consequences for the individual and society. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with possible relapses even after long periods of abstinence. Hart Ksir (2013), for example, state: ââ¬Å"Substance dependence is often a chronic illness that shares many characteristics with other chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthmaâ⬠(p. 22). The pathway to drug addiction initiates with the act of taking drugs, and over a period of time, an individualââ¬â¢s ability to choose not to do so becomes compromised, and as a result, seeking and consuming the drug becomes compulsive. This behavior results mainly from the effects of persistent drug exposure on brain functioning. ââ¬Å"Addiction affects multiple brain circuits, including those involved in reward and motivation, learning and memory, and inhibitory control over behaviorâ⬠(Huffman, 2010, p. 201). Some individuals are more vulnerable than others to becoming addicted, depending on genetic makeup, age of exposure to drugs, other environmental influences, and the interplay of all these factors. Huffman (2010) argues that ââ¬Å"Psychoactive drugs influence the nervous system (and our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors) in a variety of waysâ⬠(p. 186). Treatment for drug abuse or addiction is not simple or easy because drug abuse or addiction has so many dimensions. Effective treatment programs typically incorporate many components. Green (2010) notes that: Each component must be directed to a particular aspect of the illness and its consequences. For example, addicted treatment must help the individual stop using drugs, maintain a drug-free lifestyle, and achieve productive functioning in the family, at work, and in society (p. 148). Because addiction is a disease, addicted people cannot simply stop using drugs for a few days, months, or even years to be cured. The most part of the patients require long-term or repeated episodes of care to achieve the ultimate goal of sustained abstinence and recovery of their lives. Indeed, scientific research and clinical practice have demonstrated the value of continuing care in treating addiction, with a variety of approaches having been tested and integrated in residential and community settings such as inpatient and outpatient community programs. The use of 13-step principles is crucial for addiction treatment to be effective and/or fruitful. 13 Principles for Effective Treatment 1) Family and the drug addict must recognize and understand that drug addiction is a complex but treatable illness that affects brain functioning and behavior. They need to be aware that the abuse of any drug alters the brainââ¬â¢s structure and function. The alterations will result in changes which will continue for a long time even after the drug use is stopped. It also will make the family and the drug addict to understand why drug abusers could relapse at any time even if s/he still in treatment, has experienced potentially devastating consequences, and/or has had long periods of abstinence. Hart Ksir (2013) note: Drugs work on the body to cause a mood-altering effect by the chemical impact they have on the brain. Through the blood supply, the drug is carried to the brain. Once the drug is released to the brain, the drugââ¬â¢s effect begins because the brain concentrates on the drug (p. 88). 2) Family and the drug addict must understand that no single treatment is sufficient, adequate, or appropriate for everyone. Each treatment differs depending on the characteristics of the patient. For example, the type of drug being used, the period of time that the drug has been used, the age and race of the individual, environmental conditions, genetic influences, behavior, the wiliness and ability to react to the treatment, life style, and the broader health of the individual, etc. The National Institute of Drug Abuse notes that: Drug addiction shares many features with other chronic illnesses, including a tendency to run in families (heritability), an onset and course that is influenced by environmental conditions and behavior, and the ability to respond to appropriate treatment, which may include long-term lifestyle modification. Human studies of addictive behaviors have clearly implicated both environmental and genetic influences, as well as interactions between the two. While genetics play a major role in defining who we are, the environment in which we are raised is just as influential (NIDA, n. d. ). The good match treatment setting, such as interventions, therapies, and others services designed only to the individualââ¬â¢s particular problems and needs, is crucial for that person to success to return to his or her normal and productive life. 3) Treatment must be easily available. Many drug-addicted individuals struggle even when they decide to entering treatment. This step is critical for them, so the program should be readily available for them in order to take full advantage of the available services. When the treatment program is not easily accessible, potential patients will be lost, and the likelihood of positive outcome for those patients will diminish because as with other chronic diseases, when the treatment is offered earlier in the disease process, the probability of positive outcomes will be greater. If the treatment is easily available, ââ¬Å"Overall, it will be considered to be effective because it will help many people to abstain often for many yearsâ⬠¦ The benefits far exceed the cost of providing the programsâ⬠(Hart Ksir, 2013, p. 423). 4) An effective treatment shouldnââ¬â¢t include only the issue of drug abuse, but the diverse needs of the individuals as well. Hart Ksir (2013) assert that ââ¬Å"Substance dependence is often a chronic illness that shares many characteristics with other chronic illness such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthmaâ⬠(p. 422). A treatment to be considered effective, it must address the individualââ¬â¢s drug abuse issue and all the related issues surrounding the addiction, for example, medical, psychological, physical, environmental, biological, social, vocational, and legal problems, among others. Also, age, gender, ethnicity, social status, and culture should be taken into account. 5) Staying in treatment for a reasonable period of time is crucial. ââ¬Å"Long-term treatment of more than three months tends to create more concrete habits, as well as allows the client more time to develop etter methods to prevent relapseâ⬠(Shewood, 2013). A long-term treatment is especially good for those individuals recovering from using drugs for a very long period of time. The appropriate length for a specific individual will depend on the type of drug used and the degree of his or her problems and necessities. Many studies have demonstrated that most addicted individuals will need at least three months in treat ment to greatly reduce or stop using drugs. In addition, the studies have showed that the best results take place with longer durations of treatments. Recovering from any type of drug addiction is not an easy task to do, but with a long-term process and sometimes the requirement of multiple episodes of treatment, the recovery is possible. Sometimes relapses could occur. To prevent this, individuals should not leave the treatment prematurely. A treatment program should include a set of strategies to engage, motivate, and keep its patients in treatment. 6) Behavior therapies should be included. Behavior therapies such as counseling (individual, peer, and/or group) are very effective forms of treatment for drug abusers. These therapies may include: motivating the patient to change, providing incentives for abstinence, building skills or abilities to resist drug use, substituting drug-using activities for positive, helpful, and rewarding activities, developing or improving problem-solving skills, and facilitating better social relationships. The participation in those therapy programs (individual, peer, or group) during the treatment will greatly help drug addicted individuals to maintain drug free. 7) Medication is a fundamental part for the treatment of numerous patients. To obtain better result, they may be combined with behavioral therapies. Hart Ksir (2013) state the following: An intense amount of research efforts have focused on developing medications to treat substance abuse and dependenceâ⬠¦ Some medications that have been used to help substance abusers deal with withdrawal symptoms and maintain abstinence from alcohol, nicotine, opioids, cocaine, and cannabis are: Benzodiazepines, Disulfiram, Naltrexone, Acamprosate, Bupropion, Varenicline, Methadone, Buprenorphine, Naltrexone, Modafinil, and Dronabinolâ⬠(pp. 414-415). As with all complex diseases, the environment plays a vital role in the life of the individual to determine the course and outcome of the disease. 8) The individualââ¬â¢s plan such as his or her treatment, resources, and services must be evaluated constantly. The constant evaluation of the treatment plan is a very important thing that should be done to ensure the program is meeting his or her present or changing needs, if not, it should be modified right away. The modification could include a combination of services and treatments during the process of treatment and recovery. Those changes can be counseling, medication, psychotherapy, medical services, social skills, parenting education, vocational training, and legal services, etc. The continue evaluation and changes during the treatment will provide very positive outcomes to the patient. 9) Drug-addicted individuals should be treated for other mental disorders too. Because many drug abusers beside their drug addiction suffer from other mental illness, they must be evaluated and treated for the specific mental illness as well. The treatment should focus on both the addiction and the mental disease with the inclusion of medications if they are needed. The National Institute of Drug Abuse note that: When two disorders or illnesses occur simultaneously in the same person, they are called comorbid. Surveys show that drug abuse and other mental illnesses are often comorbid. Six out of ten people with a substance use disorder also suffer from another form of mental illness. But the high prevalence of these comorbidities does not mean that one condition caused the other, even if one appeared first. Patients with mood or anxiety disorders are about twice as likely to also suffer from a drug disorder. In addition, patients with drug disorders are roughly twice as likely to be diagnosed with mood or anxiety disorders. The rates of specific comorbidities also vary by gender. Among men and women in drug treatment, antisocial personality disorder is more common in men, while women have higher rates of major depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and other anxiety disorders. 10) Detoxification medically assisted should be just the first phase of drug addiction treatment. Detoxification can be viewed as an initial and immediate goal during which medications are administered to alleviate unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that may appear following abrupt cessation of drug useâ⬠(Hart Ksir, 2013, p. 415). Medically assisted detoxification can securely manage the acute physical and psychological symptoms of withdrawal. 11) Any type of drug use during the whole treatment should be monitored constantly to prevent relapses. For many patients, the alertness that their drug use is monitored all the time is a powerful incentive, and many times it also helps them to stay away from drugs. Moreover, monitoring is helpful to prevent possible returning to drug use. If the continuously monitoring shows that the client is using drugs again, the treatment plan for that specific individual should be adjusted to better meet his or her needs. 12. Treatment programs must assess its patients for sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, AIDS, chlamydia, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases as well. Counseling to help drug-addicted patients to modify or change their behaviors which place them at risk of contracting or spreading any infectious disease is a very important piece of the treatment. If the counseling is focused specifically on how to reduce sexually transmitted diseases that put the patients at risk, it could help those patients to reduce or avoid substance-related and other high-risk behaviors. If a patient is already infected, s/he will manage with more responsibility his or her disease, and also it will facilitate adherence to other medical treatments. 13) The addiction treatment plan should be hundred percent ethical. Counselors, as mental authorities, have a lot of power, so they never should use this power for personal reasons or beliefs (such as bias) or to reject a patient. Counselors always must follow the NAADAC set of ethical codes when working with patients. According to the NAADAC, ââ¬Å"counselors have the power to do great, good, or great harm. Counselors always must remember: Today, let me remember my power and take care to use it wisely. â⬠In addition, the counselor should accept the fact that the patient has the right to accept or refuse any treatment plan when s/he is aware of the pros and cons of the treatment. The counselor is not supposed to go against the patientââ¬â¢s will. Conclusion Drugs have been a part of our society for many years now. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans receive treatment for substance abuse. Drug addiction is a complex illness that is considered a brain disease. Many drug-addicted individuals in order to become drug free, they must undergo an effective treatment program that typically incorporate many components. Each component must be directed to a particular aspect of the illness and its consequences. The use of 13-step principles is crucial for any addiction treatment to be effective and/or fruitful. They are: (1) Family and the drug addict must recognize and understand that drug addiction is a complex but treatable illness that affects brain functioning and behavior; (2) Family and the drug addict must understand that no single treatment is sufficient, adequate, or appropriate for everyone; (3) Treatment must be easily available; (4) An effective treatment should include the issue of drug abuse, and also the diverse needs of the individuals; (5) Staying in treatment for a reasonable period of time is crucial; (6) Behavior therapies should be included; (7) Medication is a fundamental part for the treatment of many patients. 8) The individualââ¬â¢s plan such as his or her treatment, resources, and services must be evaluated constantly; (9) Drug-addicted individuals should be treated for other mental disorders too; (10) Detoxification medically assisted should be just the first phase of drug addiction treatment; (11) Any type of drug use during the whole treatment should be moni tored constantly to prevent relapses; (12) Treatment programs must assess its patients for sexually transmitted diseases; and (13) The addiction treatment plan should be hundred percent ethical.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Aids Epidemic :: Free AIDS Essays
HIV/Aids Epidemic HIV/AIDs is a huge epidemic still plaguing society today. The lack of knowledge and technical advances has caused an increasing number of cases. It has made its way around the world since the 1940s, causing countries to join together in the fight against AIDs. With all the campaigning that has been done the numbers of cases continue to rise. Countries have separated the disease into three patterns to make it easier to distinguish the effects that AIDs has on different regions of the world. As well as what subtypes sprout from what areas. HIV/AIDs can be spread in many different ways. The future is still uncertain for the victims whom lives have been dramatically changed by this deadly disease. It started back in 1940 when the virus jump from an animal to a human, it came from either a monkey or chimpanzee. A man who is unknown, still today, went to a hospital in Leopoldville, Africa which is now know as Kinshasa. The unknown man gave blood in a clinic for a study on blood diseases. It was then frozen in a test tube and forgotten about. Nearly a quarter of a century later, around the mid 1980s, scientist took a look at the blood again due to the growing AIDs epidemic. They discovered the man had the HIV virus which causes AIDs. à à à à à AIDs has several different subtypes of the virus, all which can be traced to the Leopoldville man. The variety of types makes it hard to find a cure for the disease since it is constantly changing and mutating itââ¬â¢s self. The president of the United States and the prime minister of France announced in 1987 that they were going to join together to fight against the issue. à à à à à à à à à à The virus has been divided up into three patterns. Pattern 1 is the type of AIDs in North America, Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. In these parts of the world AIDs is spread mostly by homosexual intercourse and found in homosexual and bisexual men most often. The number of cases has drastically dropped from blood transfusion due to routine screenings. The sharing of needles by intravenous drug abusers seems to be becoming a huge problem in helping to spread the disease faster. Since homosexual and bisexual men seem to be at a greater risk for the virus, the ratio of men to women is 20:1 in the pattern 1 countries.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Realism and/ or modernism Essay
Marlow seems to alienate himself from urban society in favour of a wasteland. However, it can be said that this was a positive sacrifice. The Africans may have seen the modern bureaucratic Europe as a sterile and materialistic wasteland. Here we see Conrad prompting the reader to reassess his or her own opinions and interpretations of Africa. Conrad has been accredited with writing a ââ¬ËHarrowing Critique of Western Colonialismââ¬â¢. This is not only due to his explicit exposure of the atrocities of European colonialism but also his cunning use of vocabulary. He refers to the ââ¬Ëmerry dance of death and tradeââ¬â¢ (p. 31) as well as an ââ¬Ëinhabited devastationââ¬â¢ (p. 32) when illustrating the horrors of the colonisation of Africa by Europe. ââ¬ËHeart of Darknessââ¬â¢ was written at a time when Africa was entirely carved up and shared out between a number of European countries. Conrad seems to be exposing the predatory nature of these countries and their attitudes towards colonisation, and particularly focuses on the Belgian Congo. He does not however, entirely condemn colonisation. He does not suggest any alternative, nor does he suggest that African natives are capable of running their own country. Marlow does not make any attempt to understand the African culture, nor does he consider them as equals. Africa is seen very much as an antithesis to Europe, and therefore to civilisation. Even the title of the novella ââ¬Å"Heart of Darknessâ⬠presents Africa as an uncivilized and primitive land, and could be accused of dehumanizing and dispersonalising Africa. Marlow views what is happening to the African natives from a distance and although he does respond to their treatment by the colonisers he does not react in any way. He claims he is on a ââ¬Å"heavenly mission to civilizeâ⬠(21). It therefore seems as though Conrad views the colonisation as a civilising robbery, but includes very little discussion of the social or economic effects of the expansion of Europe. It is not only Conradââ¬â¢s presentation of the African natives that is modernistic. Women are also viewed in very different ways throughout the novel. Kurtzââ¬â¢s intended is depicted as a typical Victorian woman. Marlow feels that he must look after her, and therefore protects her from the truth about Kurtz. Conradââ¬â¢s description of African women creates a great contrast. Here Conrad creates an image of a much stronger character. However, although African women seem to be presented as much more powerful and capable, the entire novella is written through the eyes of a male, and the entire focus is on male experience. There is much evidence of Conradââ¬â¢s exploration of the Eastern world in ââ¬ËHeart of Darknessââ¬â¢. It is however, his examination of the inner life that is most evident. The image of the ââ¬Ëblack fellowsââ¬â¢ rowing the boats is described by Conrad as ââ¬Ëa momentary contact with realityââ¬â¢ (p. 30) implying that all humans share a common spiritual heritage. This presents ââ¬ËHeart of Darknessââ¬â¢ as a cross-cultural almost mythical journey, suggesting that racial archetypes emerge only in dreams and myths. Modernists were also concerned with reassessing the ordinary and the everyday, and often invited the reader to reconsider their text. In ââ¬ËHeart of Darknessââ¬â¢ there are a number of adjectives used to describe the coast; ââ¬Ësmiling, frowning, inviting, grand, mean, inspired or savageââ¬â¢ (p. 29). This is not a traditional presentation of a coastline, and the almost contradictory list prompts the reader to reassess his or her own interpretation of the coast. The presentation of the edge of the ââ¬Ëcolossal jungleââ¬â¢ as a ââ¬Ëruled lineââ¬â¢ (p. 29) is another modernistic feature of Conradââ¬â¢s work, as it was not previously common to view natural creations in such scientific or geometric ways. This once again causes the reader to re-evaluate the text as well as their own perception of the ordinary and everyday. A sense of vision and perspective was of great significance to modernist writers. Marlowââ¬â¢s vision of the various ââ¬Ëtrading placesââ¬â¢ passed on his journey is a thoroughly modernistic one. The place names are listed before being described as belonging to ââ¬Ësome sordid farceââ¬â¢ (p. 30). This is not only a slightly unusual presentation, once again prompting the reader to reassess the ordinary; it also gives a great insight into Marlowââ¬â¢s, and indeed Conradââ¬â¢s own vision and perception of the outside world. Modernist writers often presented the world as desolate, and Conradââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËHeart of Darknessââ¬â¢ is no exception. Marlow describes his ââ¬Ëisolationââ¬â¢ within a ââ¬Ëmournful and senseless delusionââ¬â¢ (p. 30), and the coast is illustrated as ââ¬Ëformlessââ¬â¢ bordered by ââ¬Ëdangerous surfââ¬â¢ (p. 31). Marlowââ¬â¢s journey is at one point described as a ââ¬Ëweary pilgrimage amongst hints for nightmaresââ¬â¢ (p. 31). This all seems to help create the common modernist image of a desolate world. Although Conrad does not celebrate the state of the modern world, he, like so many modernist writers, was concerned with honoring the creativity of language. His presentation of ââ¬Ëinsanityââ¬â¢ is followed by a glorious use of vocabulary; ââ¬Ëlugubrious drolleryââ¬â¢. His description of the ââ¬Ëblack fellowsââ¬â¢ is also somewhat creative. He describes their faces as ââ¬Ëgrotesque masksââ¬â¢ and illustrates the ââ¬Ëglisteningââ¬â¢ (p. 30) whites of their eyeballs seen from afar. The inhabited devastation is described as ââ¬Ëdrownedââ¬â¢ in a ââ¬Ëblinding sunlightââ¬â¢ (p. 32). Both the words, ââ¬Ëblindingââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëdrowningââ¬â¢ have negative connotations and are used here to create the desolate negative image of the modern world Conrad was keen to present. This ââ¬Ërecrudescence of glareââ¬â¢ (p. 32) created by Conrad is an incredibly creative use of language and vocabulary. Not only through the content of his text, but also through the use of his vocabulary and narrative, Conrad has created in ââ¬Å"Heart of Darknessâ⬠an exemplary Modern Text. Its exposure of the precarious bases of civilisation and its sceptical inquiry into what sustains value and meaning to human life are typical modernist traits. The political and social subject matters of ââ¬Å"Heart of Darknessâ⬠; imperialism and colonialism, race and gender have proved increasingly controversial in the course of the twentieth century, and this is why the novella has received so much criticism and analysis. Bibliography. Ackroyd, Peter, 2000. The Times. Barry, Peter, 1995 (2002). Beginning Theory, Manchester: Manchester University Press. Brooks, Peter. Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1984 Conrad, Joseph, 1902 (1995). Heart of Darkness, London: Penguin Classics Hampson, Robert, 2000. Heart of Darkness, The Congo Diary, London: Penguin Classics. Student number: 200404375 Year: One Tutor: Richard Capes Module: Introduction to Modern Literature 14107 Essay 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Joseph Conrad section.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Information Use Paper
Information in organization can be used in many different ways depending on the specific job you may have. Some information is used for the public and some is more private than others. Information is used for databases, business analytic s, business records, health records, fax, scanned and many more different ways information is used in an organization. Information is mostly used by sharing it though different levels of a business or sharing it because it is involved with more than just one specific business itââ¬â¢s usually a department. Information can also be used as a way of marketing or advertising.Even though marketing usually only collect certain information like name, address, telephone and maybe an email addresses for different things that benefits their company statistics. Some business ask for your information to send out coupons, special promotion or deal breakers that could get you to purchase products from them again. Database systems which are typically in every bu siness type and level use information to track specifics on what they need and use. Information is a valuable piece of data that can determine the outcome of something. Information flow in an organization can depend on how the organization is setup.The information can either flow up and down or side by side. Up and down is flowing through the different levels or managers. Side by side is flowing of information through departments. Both of their flow ways are common in most organization because it could be tracked by who have it or who had it. When I was active duty military, information flowed from the highest level down to the lowest and from the lowest to the highest depending on who was sending it. It was kind of like sending messaging through carriers to get it to the destination, which made the process slower than it really should be.In this case the information flowed through filters of people, the reason being is because they want you to try to get any situation solved at the lowest level if it is possible to do. The military have several database that stores information for different things for the purpose of tracking data. This different system record data that is inputted by different people depending on the level and skill type of the person. Sometimes we send information between specific departments depending on what the information contains. This way it doesn't get to department who doesn't benefit from it.When you apply for any type of loans this information is processed and sent to different departments and levels of the company. Once this process is started the application is sent to several different approvals to get them to say the big word. The concerns with properly controlling this flow is different information would be exposed to people who shouldn't see it, in other words have the clearance for it or have to correct training for it. When you send information like this it is not classified it is unclassified therefore anyone can see it, k eep it, or even give it to someone else without your authorization.In this particular case if the information is classified enough where certain eyes can only see it, the information would be encrypted for those who have the access to view it. I know for medical information, the doctors or receptionist have you sign a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) statement for confidentiality and protection from other who should not be seeing it. Only those who are either on the HIPAA form or who have the right to view it such as doctors, nurse and you the patient. Another concern with information is being digital which means it is send over the internet for Wi-Fi technology.Many businesses either scan documents, fax them or email them which puts a big risk every time it is sent, because of cybercrime can occur. The military have several different filters and firewalls this information sent and received for this purpose of cyber-crimes. PlayStation network was hacked a nd all the information that was stored was compromised and some people might even have been a victim of identity theft, depending on how much information they kept of their file. How this happened was someone hacked their database and downloaded all the information was in it.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How You Will Save Time Dealing with a Professional Assignment Writing Service
How You Will Save Time Dealing with a Professional Assignment Writing Service How You Will Save Time Dealing with a Professional Assignment Writing Service If you are considering hiring a professional writing service to complete an assignment for you, itââ¬â¢s probably because you are feeling crunched for time. There are a number of reasons that this can happen. Maybe you have been given several large assignments that are all due at once, and itââ¬â¢s just physically impossible to complete them all. Perhaps, you are in the midst of a crisis in your personal life, or you are overwhelmed with the demands from your off-campus job. These are all valid reasons for seeking out the help of a professional assignment writing service. One thing to keep in mind is that you want to make sure that this service will in fact save your time. Check their credentials and testimonials to ensure that this really is a professional writing agency. There are lots of individuals who advertise themselves online as professional writers, but they are really amateurs. In this case, you may still end up wasting a lot of time with cumbersome edits. Here are some ways in which the right professional writing service can save your time. 1. Research Itââ¬â¢s the most basic and essential component of a good paper, but it certainly is time-consuming! A quality writing service will know how to seek out good sources for your paper. They will also be familiar with the formatting style that you need, whether itââ¬â¢s APA, MLA, Harvard or Turabian. 2. Planning From the very start to finish, the entire process of writing takes a lot of time. A lot of tasks of forming an outline, articulating a thesis statement, producing a first draft and making edits can seem endless. A professional writing service knows how to accomplish each of these steps with ease and competence. You can rest easily knowing that this long and complex undertaking is in good hands. 3. Proofreading Even if you write your paper yourself, it can be a huge help to have an objective third party to proofread your piece for you. Itââ¬â¢s very common for people to miss their own errors while trying to check their works. Even a friend may not catch everything. But if you hire a professional to proofread it for you, you can rest assured that you you will receive a paper thatââ¬â¢s error-free. 4. Templates for Future Assignments A professionally written research paper or essay can help you save time on future assignments too! Once you have a template for a work, you will find the whole writing process, from start to finish, much easier next time around. Moreover, you will gain knowledge about effective writing as well. 5. More Time to Spend on Other Assignments Avoid the trap of getting so bogged down in one cumbersome assignment that you have no time to prepare for other classes or study for any exams. By taking a writing assignment off your plate, a professional writer frees you up to concentrate on the big picture of all your academic endeavors, ensuring that you will be more successful overall. If you feel like you are getting buried alive under time constraints, there is a hope! Find the right professional assignment writing service, and feel the stress slips down your shoulders.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Analyzing the Impact of the Audis Daughter Ads to the 51st Super Bowl
Analyzing the Impact of the Audi's Daughter Ads to the 51st Super Bowl Audiââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Daughterâ⬠Anyone who watches the news or goes on the internet or even just has friends knows that the United States is going through tough times now. A change in the presidency has put people in arms and riots and marches have broken out all across this great land. This nation has never been more divided. Which is what fueled many ads for the 51st Super Bowl including Audiââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Daughterâ⬠. As a young blonde girl races through the street against her male friends, her father voices over his thoughts of the importance of her. He worries over how he will tell her what she is worth, specifically as a woman. She wins the race, and the father hopes for a future where people are not judged by their gender but by who they are on the inside. As the United States has broken out in multiple womenââ¬â¢s marches across the country there is no better time than now to come out with a commercial that promotes women. As we dive deeper into this commercial and discover why it is popular we first must look at whether it is a central route or peripheral route. Because of the main message behind the blog and how it makes the audience feel I believe that it is a central route. There are no famous people or comical jokes, itââ¬â¢s a deep message that the audience gets behind. I feel that when ads try to go down this ââ¬Å"routeâ⬠they can either be a hit or miss. You can make everyone like your commercial if you add in a lot of famous people, beautiful pictures, or comedic effects. But if you have a deep message and most people donââ¬â¢t agree with it, then your commercial is surely going to fall flat. We all have ââ¬Å"attitudesâ⬠towards ideas, specifically political ones like feminism. Luckily ââ¬Å"girl powerâ⬠is very strong right now, and the majority attitude towards it is a positive one, which is why this ad is popular. This commercial is definitely not about the ââ¬Å"steakâ⬠and itââ¬â¢s not really about the ââ¬Å"sizzleâ⬠either. We only briefly see the car at the end of the ad, the commercial is more about what that brand is for. Like coke is for happiness and friendship, Audi is for specifically ââ¬Å"Equal payâ⬠, and it also generally gives us the feel that it is for equality. That type of brand is something that people can get behind since they feel like they too are promoting equality. Which is why this commercial on is fulfilling ââ¬Å"self-actualizationâ⬠on Maslowââ¬â¢s Hierarchy of Needs. We want to good people who change things in the world and make it for the better. And if we join this ââ¬Ëbrandââ¬â¢ we can say that we are changing the world. This ad has positive oriented motives. It gives us a sense of hope as the man is at first worried that he wonââ¬â¢t be able to tell his daughter all that she is truly worth, but then as the ad plays through he dreams of a day where girls are not worth any less than guys, and considers that that day is almost here. All of us has a mother or sister, if we are selves are not girls. When we consider our interpersonal influences we are all affected by equal pay and gender equality. And our culture, especially at this time in our nationââ¬â¢s history, is really pushing for it too. It might not seem obvious that an ad is more than just funny jokes or famous faces. Whether serious or funny, ads do things for a reason. They research their target audience thoroughly and strive to get into their mind and give them something that the viewers themselves didnââ¬â¢t even know what they wanted. We could have just gotten videos of womenââ¬â¢s marches and Audi cars driving through supporting the events. Audi could have come out with so many other options, but instead, they gave us a father worrying about his young daughter. Itââ¬â¢s almost like a call to action. Sheââ¬â¢s young, and she doesnââ¬â¢t realize that she may be worth less than her boy counterparts, but she doesnââ¬â¢t have worry about that. Because we can fix it. And that is what Audi sold to their audience.
Analyzing the Impact of the Audis Daughter Ads to the 51st Super Bowl
Analyzing the Impact of the Audi's Daughter Ads to the 51st Super Bowl Audiââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Daughterâ⬠Anyone who watches the news or goes on the internet or even just has friends knows that the United States is going through tough times now. A change in the presidency has put people in arms and riots and marches have broken out all across this great land. This nation has never been more divided. Which is what fueled many ads for the 51st Super Bowl including Audiââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Daughterâ⬠. As a young blonde girl races through the street against her male friends, her father voices over his thoughts of the importance of her. He worries over how he will tell her what she is worth, specifically as a woman. She wins the race, and the father hopes for a future where people are not judged by their gender but by who they are on the inside. As the United States has broken out in multiple womenââ¬â¢s marches across the country there is no better time than now to come out with a commercial that promotes women. As we dive deeper into this commercial and discover why it is popular we first must look at whether it is a central route or peripheral route. Because of the main message behind the blog and how it makes the audience feel I believe that it is a central route. There are no famous people or comical jokes, itââ¬â¢s a deep message that the audience gets behind. I feel that when ads try to go down this ââ¬Å"routeâ⬠they can either be a hit or miss. You can make everyone like your commercial if you add in a lot of famous people, beautiful pictures, or comedic effects. But if you have a deep message and most people donââ¬â¢t agree with it, then your commercial is surely going to fall flat. We all have ââ¬Å"attitudesâ⬠towards ideas, specifically political ones like feminism. Luckily ââ¬Å"girl powerâ⬠is very strong right now, and the majority attitude towards it is a positive one, which is why this ad is popular. This commercial is definitely not about the ââ¬Å"steakâ⬠and itââ¬â¢s not really about the ââ¬Å"sizzleâ⬠either. We only briefly see the car at the end of the ad, the commercial is more about what that brand is for. Like coke is for happiness and friendship, Audi is for specifically ââ¬Å"Equal payâ⬠, and it also generally gives us the feel that it is for equality. That type of brand is something that people can get behind since they feel like they too are promoting equality. Which is why this commercial on is fulfilling ââ¬Å"self-actualizationâ⬠on Maslowââ¬â¢s Hierarchy of Needs. We want to good people who change things in the world and make it for the better. And if we join this ââ¬Ëbrandââ¬â¢ we can say that we are changing the world. This ad has positive oriented motives. It gives us a sense of hope as the man is at first worried that he wonââ¬â¢t be able to tell his daughter all that she is truly worth, but then as the ad plays through he dreams of a day where girls are not worth any less than guys, and considers that that day is almost here. All of us has a mother or sister, if we are selves are not girls. When we consider our interpersonal influences we are all affected by equal pay and gender equality. And our culture, especially at this time in our nationââ¬â¢s history, is really pushing for it too. It might not seem obvious that an ad is more than just funny jokes or famous faces. Whether serious or funny, ads do things for a reason. They research their target audience thoroughly and strive to get into their mind and give them something that the viewers themselves didnââ¬â¢t even know what they wanted. We could have just gotten videos of womenââ¬â¢s marches and Audi cars driving through supporting the events. Audi could have come out with so many other options, but instead, they gave us a father worrying about his young daughter. Itââ¬â¢s almost like a call to action. Sheââ¬â¢s young, and she doesnââ¬â¢t realize that she may be worth less than her boy counterparts, but she doesnââ¬â¢t have worry about that. Because we can fix it. And that is what Audi sold to their audience.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Islam & clash of civilizations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Islam & clash of civilizations - Term Paper Example If culture would be the main driving force, then what is culture? There could be hundreds of meanings just for a single world. Summarizing these meanings, it is defined as the collection of philosophies and concepts which are being shared by people. However, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) expounded on the meaning of the word as: ââ¬Å"the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of a society or a social group, and encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together with value systems, traditions, and beliefsâ⬠(Dilworth & Maital, 30). With these presented to the public, what is happening after the Cold War is a product of diverse beliefs of people who were ruled by leaders who influenced them in having such views. Huntington also puts in a higher cultural grouping of people which is the civilization. He divided human kind into several major civilizations. Amongst these civilizations, what is more prominent especially in the news is the Islamic civilization. They are not just fighting for their civilization to be the strongest but they are also fighting that their religion is more superior to what is dominating the other civilizations (Huntington, 25; Gogstad, 1). There have been published materials that are pointing to the Islamic civilization to be the most susceptible in clashes towards the other civilizations. It was more likely that the clashes began with the Islamic civilization going against the West. One conflict though is that a country who belongs to the Islamic civilization is an ally of the West. This country is Saudi Arabia. The West imports its oil from Saudi Arabia which makes the West one of the key importers of its economy (Brooks, A27; Barber, 4-5; Chomsky). Huntingtonââ¬â¢s thesis was written in 1993 where the emergence of wars in the Middle East began. It was the time when the West
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